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Aikido Academy Dojo Rules

All Aikido practitioners should display respect, sincerity and modesty, especially during practice. Aikido Academy students are expected to follow Dojo Rules to maintain a safe and proper environment for the learning of Aikido.

  • Respect all practitioners, seniors or juniors. It is your responsibility to cause no injury to your training partner and yourself.

  • No politics in the dojo. Treat every fellow aikidoka as your own family member. The core value of Aikido is harmony ("Ai").

  • Rank is of the least importance in our dojo. What matters most is the right " learning " attitude and spirit.

  • Never use Aikido technique to purposely harm another person. It is against the values of Aikido.

  • Do not use Aikido practice as a method to show off or to satisfy your ego. The correct approach is practising Aikido to defeat your own ego and aggression. 

  • Be mindful of your own physical abilities. Train with care.

  • Train your state of mind, timing, distance, control and your Hara Kara no Ki (energy projection from the centre). Not your muscular power.

  • Always make your payment on time. Training fees provide a place for training, regular upkeeping of the dojo, as well as a way in which to show gratitude for your Instructor.

  • Cleaning the dojo mat is part of each student’s responsibility and also your opportunity to focus the mind and calm the heart before each training session (A form of Zen practice). 

  • Respect, never argue with, the way your instructor is leading the training. When in doubt, ask.

Proper Dojo Etiquette

  • Aikido is not a religion. Aikido is a way to practise and train your physical and mental strength. Remain spiritually open. When we bow, it is to show our respect and gratitude.

  • Always bow towards the shomen when entering or exiting the mat. The Shomen (front face) is not a Kamiza (seat of the gods or spiritual altar).

  • Never leave the mat during class unless permitted by your Instructors. 

  • Seiza is the proper and formal way to sit on the mat. You may sit cross-legged if you have sustained an injury or face difficulty with your legs. However, try to seiza where possible. Always sit up straight, and legs tucked in close to your body. 

  • Respect your training equipment including gi, hakama, and weapons. Keep them clean and in good condition, and in a proper place when not in use. 

  • Before class starts, warm up, then seiza and mokuso (silent meditation) to prepare for training. 

  • Each Aikido class opens and ends with a formal lineup and direct bow to the Shomen, then to the Instructors, saying "Onegaeshimasu" (meaning "Please guide"). When class ends, after bowing to the Shomen and your Instructors, bow to your fellow aikidoka, saying "Domo Arigato Gozaimashita” (meaning "Thank you very much”).

  • Be on time (also a self-discipline training) and join in the opening ceremony. If you are late, wait outside of the mat until your Instructors allow you to join in. Bow to the Shomen and your Instructors in silence. 

  • During the demonstration of techniques, sit in seiza, remain silent, and pay full attention. Once your Instructors signal the start of a technique practice, quickly find a partner, bow and say "Onegaeshimasu!". Then immediately begin to practise.

  • Help or lead your partner to perform a technique silently. Only authorised personnel are allowed to verbally instruct their partner during practice.

  • When you need a clarification during practice, go to your Instructors and bow respectfully. Do not ask your Instructors to come to you.

  • When your Instructors are demonstrating or instructing a technique to you personally, sit in seiza and watch attentively. You may also stop and sit to watch if another practitioner nearby is receiving instruction. Bow when your Instructors have finished. 

  • Once on the mat, do not be idle. If you are waiting for your turn, sit in seiza. 

  • When your instructors signal the end of a technique, finish your technique quickly, bow to your partner(s), and then line up in seiza immediately.

  • Refrain from talking or chatting during practice. Aikido is experience.

  • Keep your nails (finger and toe) tidy and short. Wipe your feet before entering the mat. Your footwear should be kept neatly along the mat edges, facing outwards. 

  • Eating and drinking is not allowed on the dojo mat.

  • No smoking in the dojo. 

  • For safety purpose, no jewelry is allowed during practice. 

  • Refrain from taking alcoholic drink while still in your gi or before class starts.

  • Most importantly, always have fun and enjoy your practice!

Disciplinary Matters

It is essential for each student to display respect, sincerity and modesty in order to improve and polish his/her own personal refinement through Aikido.

Disciplinary action may be taken against any student if he/she fails to provide a safe and proper environment for the learning of Aikido for others.

Any student who persistently fails to observe Aikido Academy's values and Dojo rules, may be asked to leave Aikido Academy by the Chief Instructor (Dojo-Cho) without any fees refund obligation.​​​

Aikido Academy: UEN 53366378D 

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