Aikido Terms
Ai/ Gyaku Hanmi --- Same/ Different side stance
Ayumi Ashi --- Basic Step ( Sliding step )
Bokuto waza --- Techniques performed with Bokken (wooden sword)
Hanmi handachi --- Uke standing and Nage sitting
Hara --- A persons center of mass; lower abdomen; center of gravity of a person; area below the navel; the reservoir of ki; traditionally thought to be the location of the spirit.
Jiyu waza --- Interval attacks with Nage varying techniques (1 on 1)
Juji-nage --- Crossed arm throw
Jo dori --- Disarm Jo-wielded (wooden staff) attacker
Jo waza --- Techniques performed with Jo (wooden staff)
Kata --- Pre-arranged exercise
Keiko --- Practice, training
Kohai --- Junior or subordinate student
Katate-dori --- One hand grab one wrist
Kata-dori --- One hand grab one shoulder
Kata-dori Men-uchi --- One hand grab one wrist, another hand knife-hand strike to the head
Kokyu --- Breath; ki and the motions of the body unified by control of the breath
Kokyu-nage --- Breath throw
Koshi --- Hips, Waist
Koshi-nage --- Hip throw
Morote-dori --- Two hands grab to one wrist
Mune-tsuki --- One hand straight punch to the chest/collar
Men-tsuki --- One hand straight punch to the face
Mune-dori --- One hand grab one chest/collar/lapel
Ran-dori --- Freestyle, rapid and multiple attackers
Okuri Ashi---Sending Step ( Big step )
Ryokata-dori --- Two hands grab two shoulders
Ryote-dori --- Two hands grab two wrists
Seiza --- Proper Japanese sitting posture (kneeling)
Shomen-uchi --- Knife-hand strike to the forehead
Suwari waza --- Techniques performed while both are sitting
Senpai --- Senior student
Shikko --- Technique of walking on the knees
Shodan --- First degree black belt
Soto --- Outside
Sumiotoshi --- Corner drop throw
Suwariwaza --- Sitting techniques
Tai-sabaki --- Body movement / displacement / shifting
Tai-no-henka --- Basic blending practice, Tenkan exercise
Tachi-dori --- Disarm Bokken-wielded (wooden sword) attacker
Tachi waza --- Techniques performed standing up
Tanto-dori --- Disarm Tanto-wielded (knife/short blade) attacker
Tsuki --- Straight punch, thrust
Tsugi Ashi --- Continuous Step ( Small step )
Tenchi-nage --- Heaven and Earth throw
Tanden --- Point just below the navel
Tenkan --- Pivot Turn
Tenshin --- Sweeping Body Turn
Tenkai / Kaiten --- Revolving Turn
Tanto --- Wooden knife
Tachi-waza --- Techniques done with both uke and nage standing
Undo --- Exercise
Ukemi --- the art of receiving the technique/falling
Uke --- person who gives the attack and receives the technique
Ura -- Moving behind
Ushiro-waza --- Techniques applied from the rear
Ushiro Kubi-shime --- One hand grab one wrist, another hand choke from behind
Ushiro Ryo-kata-dori --- Two hands grab two shoulders from behind
Ushiro Ryote-dori --- Two hands grab two wrists from behind
Ushiro-dori --- Bear hug from behind
Ushiro Eri-dori --- One hand grab one collar from behind
Ushiro Ryo-kata-dori --- Two hands grab two shoulders from behind
Waza --- Technique
Yokomen-uchi --- Knife-hand strike to the side of head
Zazen --- Seated meditatiion
Zanshin --- Unbroken Awareness and Concentration
Yudansha --- Black belt dan grade holders